Saturday, November 5, 2011

 Last Thursday,
Calvary Church invited " Markers " from

This band was very famous at Korea and of cause
at others country too.

They sing very very damn well !
But no handsome guys inside the band that day.
So sad ='(

I had bought their CD in English Version.
I hear it every night when I went to sleep.
It causes me sleep very well and no need to be
afraid because I afraid of darkness >.<

Their first English Version CD and first sell it at Tawau.
" At The Place Where You Call "


Yesterday 4th November,
I went to Eastern Plaza again with my Darling
Jocelyn ! <3

Just both of us but very fun and first time I spent
a lot of money $$ !!

Outfit that day =)

Bought this " Dress " at Coltage.
My mom was shock when I said how much is it.
Hahaha >.< But I like it very much !
Dotty <3
Mini Lomo Camera at the shop that I like but
I don't know what is it >.<
 Got flash de wor ! Very cute.

 Bought this necklace at " Pink Lover "
Pearl Ribbon <3
And also this hair clips. Very cheap =D


Yesterday are also BSI's Awards Night.
All the performance were very awesome.
And a lot of friends go there too.
Awards Night outfit.
New dress and new necklace =D


Tomorrow after service,
I will go to Sandakan !

Long time didn't go back to my hometown.
Miss my grandmas, my aunts, my uncles and
all my cousins.

Weehee <3