Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hey heyy Everyone !! Miss me ? Yes, I'm back to blogging ! wtf -.-
More than 1 months I didn't updated my blog because of the
stupid broadband haven't paid. 

Recently, busying about the Choral Speaking Competition. omg
The Choral Speaking Competition is on 30th April (2 days later)
held at Membakut, St.Patrick Secondary School (My ex-school name but at Tawau).
This is the first time I join Choral Speaking because I never tried it 
and just for fun xD
Kinda scare when I step on the stage because there're gonna have
a lot of students, teachers and judges from others school. omg

Besides that, the first semester exam is coming very very soon !
I haven't prepare yet to studying those subjects I hate ! wtf
I think I'm gonna die and maybe I'll drop to another class because my
Account's teachers said if Account or Economy failed, she'll drop
those students to the worst class. 
These words make me feel worried and scare that I might be drop to 
other class =( So sad...

So, I need to add more and more oil to study those subjects I don't like
and less to play i-pad and watching television !


Here's come some camwhore of my life ♥

School-look and finally change my school badge ♥

Dancers of Easter Day ♥

Easter Sunday Look ♥

Played with my eyeliner ♥

Damn like my make-up that day ! ♥

Daily camwhore ♥

----------The End----------

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