Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Most Funniest Things !!!


School school school.

Happened many things.

For about 3 weeks like that none stop
happening things.

I really tired,
can't breath,
and scare too.

What should I do too ?


There are a gang of Form 5 girls
want quarrel with us.

I didn't know them before.
But I just don't know what they want from me.

I still not understand where I did wrong
from them.

Is it my fault who said them first
is their fault ?

I really can't remember.

But what was I know is,
I can truly said I got wrong between us.

Maybe I also got said something hurt all of you.
But I really sorry what had I said.

I really forgive and give up.
When I see one of your gang's friend's blog,

I was very shock !

What do you mean we are the one who
misunderstand huh ?

Excuse Me My 'Lovely, Beautiful'

When I saw that girl's blog,
I really damn angry !

We already said:
"We're sorry."

What you want us to do now !?

I think all of you just want this thing
make it more bigger,right?

Said Monday want settle.

How you all want settle ?

Use mouth and hands ?

Wow !

I really scare lea "Jie jie".


I really don't know what you all want from us.

But all I can said is "Sorry" ok.

But for you all,just say sorry very simple.



I just want to tell you all,
when you said out something,
please watch out what are you saying
out from your mouth.

Be careful too
My "Dear Friends".


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