Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey Heyy ! I'mmmmm BACK ! =D

Phwee ~!

Long time didn't update my bloggie.
What a pitty me. Sorry for my bloggie.


Holidays come !!!

I'm so damn happy. Hahaha ! The most
happy things is my dad allow me to go
to K.K with my friends !

Hoorayy !

This is my first who follow my friends go
K.K together. We go there early to play
1-2 days. After that I'm going to join the
DEYC !!!


This is the camp !
"Mission Possible" =)


I think this year must be very funny. But
a lots of my friends didn't join it. Aikz..
And also our church less of people join too.
Really Pitty ='(


By the way, tomorrow is the day of
"Faith Revival Conference" !!!
Kinda excited !


"Faith Revival Conference"


Because our St.Patrick
Church gonna contain for about 17++ people !
And all Diocesan Sabah come Tawau to join
this conference include outlander people.


Recently,nothing to do with me.
Just stay at home with DVD who borrowed
with my friend.

And another I can do is.....
SS -.-

Hahaha !



And this is the end =)

----------The End----------

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