Tuesday, May 3, 2011

::: 02.05.2011::: 'Sot' Day !!!

Today is holiday !

We got plan for playing at my house.

They,still the gang always come my
house that gang.

But less one people -.-
Girl 'E'...

Still can play lah.

Just 4 person @.@


At morning 9:26am

Got one girl,
7 early 8 early call me said:
"I'm coming now. You awake le ?"

You called me of causeI wake jor lah weii.

Then I woke up.
My brush teeth.

She came.
She sitting outside there waiting me.

Then I 'gu-yi'make me slow.
Change shirt slowly,
go open my Laptop comment somethings.

Then I go out met her.

Hahaha !!

After we met Girl 'N',
they accompany me go buy breads
for my breakfast.

After that,
we go buy balloon for
"The War Of Water Balloon" !!!

Syok Man !!!


After Girl 'W' came my house.

We watch "Ghost Movie" !

Girl 'I' so scare.
Keep talking the pillow to cover her eyes
Laugh die me ! xDD

The "Ghost Movie" was very exciting
although I had watched it.

Girl 'W' & 'N'
also scare xD


After finished watching "Ghost Movie".

"The War Of Water Balloon"
are coming !!!

But at first,
we need to fill in the balloons with water.

Haven't play yet we already
play the water -.-

Me, Girl 'N' & Girl 'W'
keep bully-ing Girl 'I' !

hahaha !

Then we carried the bucket full of balloons
to the field.

Me & Girl 'W' took one pail,
then Girl 'I' & Girl 'N' took another pail.

We 1,2,3 run !
Then we rest....

We 1,2,3 run !
Then we rest....

hahaha !

So funny !

When we arrived the field,
I said I was go back there take the camera.

When I'm back there,
three of them were round a circle.

I already know what they want to do to me

They want to 'Attack' me !

We when put the camera on the floor,
they run to me and attack me with
the balloons !

"The War Of Water Balloons"
really BEGAN !!

We use the balloons attack each other.
At about 1 minutes like that,
the water balloons already finished -.-

we go fill the pail with many water !

Then we go "aim" each other.

It's really fun !

After we changing cloths,
all of us were very tired like a pig >.<

Sleeping xD

The picture I will upload it later.
Because I want a girl Angry !
Girl 'E'

Wahahaha !

Who call you didn't come !

----------The End----------

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