Friday, June 3, 2011

K.K & Youth Camp~ I'm Coming !! ^^

Woohoo !
Tomorrow I'm going to KK !
So excited man.

Afternoon 1:25pm gonna flight
to K.K !

Tomorrow morning got a wedding
from Miss Angelina (Xiang xiang).

Finally she is married !
Hahaha xD

Just now went to her dinner
at "夜来香".
There are so many people who are

I'm sitting with a sisters & a boy.
Maegen, Maegenta & Melvin.
We are quite a lot things to share.


By the way,
about the packing huh, word.
"Tak Boleh Tahan"

See ! @.@

This also haven't pack yet -.- OMET

Tomorrow I'll try do it faster.
Because I scare no time to
let me pack.


I when to Eastern Plaza to
bought somethings.


This wallet !
I like it very much.
Because it so colourful =)



This Rose Mirror.
Hard to open -.-



The nail polish.
The pink one is to strength the nail.

This is colour when I polished on
my nails.
The colour looks quite nice huh >.<


Hope I will have a safety journey to
K.K. A great shopping time a there
and a joyful & great time at youth camp.

Wishing to see this girl.

Stephanie Jungkim !
Hahaha =D


----------The End----------

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