Friday, February 17, 2012

Hey Peepoo !!!

 Hey guys !
*My new MANGO t-shirt bought at Suria Sabah,
*HeartShape Necklace from Padini,
*Glasses from DollyWink Tawau.

I'm so so so so SORRY for don't update my blog for about 4 months ?!
Please forgive me ;( *Puppy eyes*

And I want to say that, 
:" Hey my friends at Tawau ! I'm fine here ! "

17th February 2012--> OMG ! It have been 3 months already I move to Beaufort !
Aikz... I really miss Tawau a lot man ! Seriously !!

The people here are very nice to me and my family.
My schoolmates are nice to me too.
But they're kinda troublesome @.@

My dad faces a lot of trouble here.
Because of some idiot people don't know have to do and don't know how to do that. wtf
But thank God all the things here are smooth.

Erm... IDK want to write what, so please see my daily life in Beaufort =D


On the way to my new home --> Beaufort.
 Ma 1st Sunday in Beaufort =)

 Another MANGO t-shirt.

 Camwhore at QueenElizabeth Hospital
while taking my uncle to body checking.
 Love my eyes makeup so much !
*Maybeline Mascara
*MajoricaMajorca Eyeliner
*New Lens Maxim Hazel
 Night night Peepoo ;)

Another Sunday for Meee <3

1st day of CNY !
*IDK what name is shop but bought it at

3rd day of CNY !!
Camwhore at my grandma's house >.<

Randoming with my dad's i-pad LemeCam.

One of my school t-shirt
1Murid1Sukan -.-

Playing with PopBooth in I-pad.
Another camwhore PopBooth @.@

 A short Skype with my bestfriend--> Jojo Jocelyn <3
Love her and miss her so much !!
Gonna see her soon~~~ Woohoo =D

 Silly me ;D
 OwhYea~ I Love I-pad,
I-pad Loves Me Too xDD

Celebrate Valentine's Day with my school 
girlfriends at Ron's Grill SteakHouse.
A special day, a crazy day, a day full a lot of laugh,
a memorable day =')
And a Single Day too !! <3


By the way,
I'm going back to Tawau SOON !!!
Can't wait for it man !

I will be going back there on 9th of March until 16th of march.
Can't wait to see my bestfriends, my buddies and many other people.

----------The End----------