Monday, May 28, 2012


Just finish a children camp hold by St.Paul Church, Beaufort (My church).
It is a 3 days camp without staying in church.
The word that I can described for this is TIRED.
It's so damn tired man !

Although I slept 8 hours but I still felt so tired.
Every night I will at 9 something, and woke up at 5.30 something but
it also felt tired. What on earth is body huh ?

But this year children is fun although not much children just about
60 children registered this camp.

Tonight is the last day of camp, sure I will miss my group members
so much although they're also in Beaufort but not 100% can meet them.

Took a lot pictures with those children and I will upload it 
maybe next post or next next post because all my pictures are in
the i-pad.

Okay, I have come to the end. Gotta sleep soon =)
Night guys.

----------The End----------

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Grrr... Is exam week baby ! Gosh ! It is my dead line -.-
I really really hate exam and everyone hate exam too ! 
What's the point that we must exam har ?
I know is all for our own good, family good and government good but
I don't think that our youngster feel good lo -.-

Yesterday is the first day of exam. Exam subject is Malay. My
Malay was so so so poor like hell. But luckily the some of the questions are easy.

Today exam subject is English. My best score subject !
Kinda easy too but the essay I wrote was a little bit messy
because no much time for me to think or write. wtf 

Tomorrow's subject is Account paper 1 and History paper 2.
Both of this subject killed me to death and very easy to failed too.
My account teacher said if our Economy or account get 50 marks below,
we must pay RM2 for teacher and if we failed, we need to pay RM3.

This teacher is good or bad ?
If get those money, she will use it herself or buy some present
for the student that get high score lea ?


I really like the way that I make-up now.
Although it just a simple make-up but I'm good with  it =D

---------- The End ----------

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Labor Day ♥

 Labor Day Today ! No school and let's play ! =D
Our church has planned to go for a Family Days to Binsuluk Nature Resort.

 Outfit of the day 



By the way, need to introduced a lil prince to you guys.
He is supper duper cute lil  boy !!! omg
 I'm deadly falling in love with him 

Here's the lil boy- Ryan 

 He is playing with the bubble ♥ 

 Look so tiny when stand in front of the Gorgors =D

 Arghh ! Cute 

 Looking at the i-pad camera 


After back to home, had an awesome late-lunch =D

 Maggi and Milo-ping 

Don't think that I cried about boys or Love, okay ?!
I just watched a movie from Youtube and I bet you guys watched
 this before few years ago. 

Yes ! The movie named "I Not Stupid 2"
This movie make cried and cried and cried.
Laugh and laugh and laugh =D

----------The End----------