Monday, May 28, 2012


Just finish a children camp hold by St.Paul Church, Beaufort (My church).
It is a 3 days camp without staying in church.
The word that I can described for this is TIRED.
It's so damn tired man !

Although I slept 8 hours but I still felt so tired.
Every night I will at 9 something, and woke up at 5.30 something but
it also felt tired. What on earth is body huh ?

But this year children is fun although not much children just about
60 children registered this camp.

Tonight is the last day of camp, sure I will miss my group members
so much although they're also in Beaufort but not 100% can meet them.

Took a lot pictures with those children and I will upload it 
maybe next post or next next post because all my pictures are in
the i-pad.

Okay, I have come to the end. Gotta sleep soon =)
Night guys.

----------The End----------

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