Monday, October 15, 2012

15th October 2012

A brand new day today :)

Gonna sleep over at my besties's house tonight. Tomorrow we have a surprise party for a lil girl- Edeline because she is the youngest in our gang and tomorrow is the end of her PMR exam, so all of the Gogo Jiejie including me have make a celebration for her and for another reason is for fun only lah. That's all for today 

- The End -

Saturday, October 13, 2012

13th October 2012

Yesterday went down to KK with my friends. We went to 2 places. First, we went to Center Point. Nothing to shop there caz we went there too early and many still a lot of shops haven't open yet. After that, we went to Suria Sabah and watched a movie named "The Thief" at Golden Cinema. That movie is a Korean + Hong Kong + Japan movie and quite nice and kinda funny too  After watching movie, went down and saw my old classmate from Kudat ! We have already 5 years didn't meet each other  Luckily I still remember her and her family and her still remember me too ! We had lunch at Upperstar.

When I get back home, headache come  Maybe I didn't get enough rest and didn't a bite of water. wtf But thank God I'm still fine today 

-The End -

Friday, October 12, 2012

Be Nice !

Recently, there are so many things happen between our friendship. Misunderstanding ? Jealous ? Shame ? Double-faced ? Hmmm.. I DON'T KNOW  Those rumors that hurt our friendship are so SHIT !  But, do we care ? Some we care because we didn't do such things but some we don't care because those things are shit, smelly shit !

Btw, I really want to say a FCUK words to you. The "YOU" means nothing ya ! Hahaha 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Arghhh !! I'm so stress with my assignment ! I'm really gonna die 

I got 2 assignment haven't touched or done and need to pass up next week -.- wtf One is my Account assignment and another one is my Art assignment. Just now at library, one of my best friend- Sandra.L was going to teach me my worst subject Account. But we end up for chit chatting and do something special for her loved.

Just forget about it and really thanks for some of my friends giving me clues and helping for my Art and Account assignment. Without them, I really don't know what should I do. Thousand of appreciate 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Just came back from doing exercise with a lot of kids at the primary school. It was fun ! I have already starting did the exercise from last Friday with my buddies.

Although it is still exam week but sure lah don't get yourself too much pressure or stress. If not, you are going crazy 

Daddy was not a home now because he has a meeting at KK and left me and mommy at home. Mommy said :" Let's have KFC tonight !" I said:" No Mom ! I just did exercise just now and now you're calling me go gain back all the fatty oil !! No way !". After I said that, mommy was laughing -.-

If you must keep your body fit, watch out what you ate and do more exercise. But my laziness and hungriness make me non stop eat those rubbish foods without people warning. I'm trying now to control myself for eating those rubbish food and thanks to "someone" for warning me sometime 

- The End -

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Morning Post

Very the Good Morning People !

Going to have breakfast later with friends then go school for doing Account Folio.

I'm so death in Account this subject x.x I don't even know Chapter 1 is what and how to count. Gosh ! I am having my Account paper 2 next Tuesday lagitu  That day... IS MY DEAD LINE 

This is end for my short post and I'm gonna start blog now with my iPad 

- The End -

I'm Back !

Imma about 2 months didn't update my blog. wtf

I was having exam weeks recently and all those subjects are killing me ! Yes I can admit that I didn't read much or even read because of the laziness -.- But I had try my best to answer all the questions :)

School was in holidays now because of the PMR exam. Today is their first day of exam and at the end of exam is next Wednesday *I think*. Of cause wish them good luck and do all their best in exam ! May God bless them wisdom and strength :) 

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