Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Outing To Eastern Plaza ! =)

~26 August 2011~
Today is a special day for her --> Jocelyn Lau !
And a special day for me too because
finally I can go Eastern Plaza shopping !!
Woohoo ~

Such a long time I didn't go there. About
2-3 months !
Tak boleh tahan >.<"

Besides, we also celebrated our school
finally finished Excel exam & Trial exam
and holidays for students !
But, just 1 week only. =(

Sad to "Someone" because still need going
to school for extra class ;(

By the way, when we arrived Eastern,
both of us just like a crazy girl buying things
by never see the price.
But, its okay for a girl who likes fashion >.<"

I bought 4 things that day and 1 thing at
the next day and used RM 80 ringgit for
just five things only -.-"


These are the things I bought =)

A Green Purse for putting my coins.

Bracelet from "Pink Lover"
 Heart's Gold Necklace from "Pink Lover"

 Masks from "DollyWink"

This I-Phone case, I help her--> Jocelyn to buy.
She says this phone case so cute =D


I hope I got another chance to go there again.
Waiting =)

----------The End----------

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Like Her !

She... Is the closest friend to me.
She... Is the most good friend to me.
She... Just like my real sister.
She... Jocelyn Lau Yee Jiun, friend of
Gloria Leong Heng Soong.

I like her very much !
(Is brother and sister in Christ la ;D )


Today, I went to her house doing
some revision.
But actually, we just stay in room
playing take photos ! xD

We had a lots of fun in room.
But today kind of less.;(

This is the photos we take =D

 We <3 !


Jocelyn's cute doggie- Rocky !


Funny us ! xD

 I like this picture !


 Taken By Me ! ;)


Taken By My Darling Jocelyn ! ;)


Take More & More Picture Next Time ! <3

----------The End---------

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Try To Do The Best ! =)

The year 2011,
I try to do my best to my friends and

too many things happen in this year.
Until I can't breath.
Is too rush for me.

February,May,June & July,
I had problem with my friends.

Last week,
I had my Exam excel II.
Next Friday,
I will have my Trial Exam.
And then October,
I will have my PMR Exam.

I very hate study in my life.
I think many of that agree with me >.<

Because it is too hard to memorize all
the notes and the formula.

In this excel,
I just feel that I'm starting scare.

If this time I didn't work hard,
how is my PMR exam ?

Many of them say PMR very easy.
You say easy because you are a genius. -.-"

I will try my best to study hard ! ^^


I had try all my best to don't let
it more serious.
But I don't know why I can't.

When all the things are settled,
another things come again.

The first time I cried,
is about my friendship.

I just don't understand why they treat
my like that.
They said my betrayed them.

How I betrayed you guys ?

Is that I had forgive a friend that you
hate then that's mean I betray you guys ?

God love all the children in the world.
And He love the children who forgive others.

I love God.
That's why I follow God's word.

When I step in my room,
I started cry.

But this time I cry,
because I'm happy.
I got JOY in my heart.

I tell God that I really thank you
because you let me realize that the friends
beside me,
some of them good and some of them bad.

And I found that when you had forgive
you will feel very joyful
and found that good things are coming
on you.


From now on,
try to be more happy.

No matter somebody talking bad words
behind you,
No matter who is your truly friends are,
And no matter who care you.

Just remember that Be Happy Always.

If you always think this way,
you will be more beautiful or handsome.

Be Happy My Friends =')

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day Of Excel =)

Today 08 August 2011 is the 1st day of

But not the first time excel,is the second

Quite scare today ~.~

Because today exam Malay paper 1 &2
and History.
 Malay Paper 1 quite a bit difficult.
Paper 2 I need to say sorry ='(
Because I didn't see clearly the question
than pass up.

I really want to say "OMET !"

I'm such a stupid "Genius" -.-

After that,
is time to exam my worst subject
: History !

I didn't even see clearly the question than
I just open my gun to shot.

I just hate History very very much !

Sure I fail on this subject.

Today just a simple exam only.
But until PMR that day is not just a
simple exam.

God,Please Help Me !

<-Skip then->

Tomorrow will exam English
Paper 1& 2 and also Chinese Paper 2.

Hope I can write it carefully and
see the question clearly !

God Bless =D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Exam Man !

Woohoo !
Time to updated !

Next Monday,
is a big day for me.

Exam Excel !

Until now, I haven't touch my book yet.
How pity was me T.T

But I try to put oil.
But...Just I too lazy for reading the book
even I lazy to touch the book.

I'll try more harder for preparing.
2 months for me to prepare.

Just hope that I won't fail any subject
to make my parents disappointed. =)

Try Your Best Gloria Leong !
2 More Months To Go !
Go ->-> Go->-> Go !!!

----------The End----------