Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day Of Excel =)

Today 08 August 2011 is the 1st day of

But not the first time excel,is the second

Quite scare today ~.~

Because today exam Malay paper 1 &2
and History.
 Malay Paper 1 quite a bit difficult.
Paper 2 I need to say sorry ='(
Because I didn't see clearly the question
than pass up.

I really want to say "OMET !"

I'm such a stupid "Genius" -.-

After that,
is time to exam my worst subject
: History !

I didn't even see clearly the question than
I just open my gun to shot.

I just hate History very very much !

Sure I fail on this subject.

Today just a simple exam only.
But until PMR that day is not just a
simple exam.

God,Please Help Me !

<-Skip then->

Tomorrow will exam English
Paper 1& 2 and also Chinese Paper 2.

Hope I can write it carefully and
see the question clearly !

God Bless =D

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