Tuesday, October 11, 2011

9th October 2011

I went to shopping with Amanda Li =D
Long time already we didn't out together.

After service,
we had our lunch at "Indo Cafe".
Later we start our journey to S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G ~!!

We went to "Dear", "Kimberly" and other 2 place
I don't realize what their name >.<
And our tea-break at "Secret Recipe".
So rich huh !
But we just drink Ice Lemon Tea, mushroom soup
and eat fries fried only. xD

 I have tried all the shirt with Polka-Dots.
Do you see the Polka-Dots at the ribbon ? >.<

 Can't see clearly with the Polka-Dots @.@

 The Dots are at the back there.
Didn't take it =D

I bought all these at that day. 
The big beg just cost RM 20 only. 
( I think it is from magazine~)
The dots that one cost RM 7 only !!
Lastly, the Vivi cost RM 10 =)