Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun Day !

Today might be my last day at school.
I'm not going to school ( maybe )
because I need to continue pack my things.

I go school today for giving back the
school books to school.
Do you know our school are having exam ?
The whole school !
Quite silent today but the most noisy are
Form 3.
Finally all the Form 3 finished PMR !
Woohoo !
No more stress anymore.
But I just scare the coming result only ='(

After giving back the school books,
me and my friends have a lot s lot of
fun in the class !
First we played Joker and keep take photos.

Later we realize that, a gang of Malay
students are watching " Ghost Movie ".
Then all of us go and joined them watching.
Quite scary because the ghost is very ugly
and she suddenlycame out and scared us !
The boys also keep scaring us. -.-"

Finished watching " Ghost Movie ",
we still none stop taking photos.
We also have take out old photos.
Damn ugly ! >.<"

My previous blog will upload the photos.
( Because I'm not using the laptop,
I'm using computer )

Watch out my previous blog ! Woohoo =D