Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture Updated~!

Just change some new pitcha on my blog and
change all the font. =)

Actually I want to change my background too.
But too hard for me to find the background
that I like @.@

PMR left 6 days for me.
Now starting scare -.-"
Try to read more more H-A-R-D-E-R !

By the way,
upload some daily pitcha first =D

Bought it last week.
I Like This.
Purple Colour =)

My mom said bought another
pair because she scare the shoes 
out of stock again xD


I Like Like Like This Polka-Dots Shirt !!
I tried it at "Kimberly". Nice right ?
But I can't buy it without my mom.
Because she is my "Bank" xD

Sweet smile for me =D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Coming !

PMR exam is on the corner now !
Still got 1 week to go.
But, I haven't touch me book yet and even
want to touch the book.

My friends call me to study.
He said :" If you don't know, that's why you
need to study hard. "
But for my this "Last-minute-then-read-book" girl,
H-A-T-E   R-E-A-D-I-N-G !

Still got 1 week !
I really want to add more more oil
for my study.
Wish me Good Luck ! =D

Sunday, September 25, 2011


This movie introduced by my friend --> Chien.
I saw this movie trailer at her blog.
When I click it and see the mv, I was touch by
the actress & actor whom act inside the movie.

So romantic =')
Hear it if you like.
Hope I can watch it. =D

Finally !

Finally I downloaded the program "Keniu" !!
Satisfied now =D

Upload my pitcha ! =)


My mom accompany me to Eastern Plaza
to buy shoe for me because my shoe "patah"
already -.-"

We went to the Converse's shop to buy but
the shop like out-of-stock and the things buy
on free one. There are no shoe that I want.
All are "cheap cheap" de xD

Then when I saw the opposite shop from
Converse, I saw a my favorite things
--> Baggy !

Then I walked in,
I kept looking at the bag and the price.
I was shock by the price because it is
so cheap then other shop !

So mom said:" You wanna buy ? "
Wow !
I was shock again when my mom ask me this question !
Of cause I'll say YES !
So my mom bought it to me but need to share the
bag with her.

Here's the bag that I bought =)

Red in color. I Like It !

On that night,
I found some old picture at my album book.

 Haha ! This is my baby's pitcha >.<
My kindergarten's pitcha.
Not very clear. Sorry >.<"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What On Earth..... -.-"

My lovely dad just bring the laptop to "wash out" all the things
in the laptop.
And, all my things in the laptop
such as: my old picture, friends picture, video of competition,
songs and all my program I had download.

So now, I need a lot of time to download it back into the laptop.
Such a "Big" job to me =)

Now, I can't recently upload my daily picture to blog because
I lose my "Keniu" program. =(
Without that program, I can't do anything to my picture.
Haiz... What a day.


I have done the most stupid thing in the couple world.
I asked him:" You still got find your ex-girlfriend ? "
What's going on I asked this stupid question !?
Haiz... After he ask which his ex I say,
he didn't reply my messages anymore.

Until Yesterday,
we finally text each other.
He didn't reply me messages because he was angry
about I asked that stupid question.
Thanks God that he said he didn't angry me anymore.

Happy 1 month to US ! =)
Sorry for the misunderstanding and is my fault I
don't trust you.

As a couple,
must belive each other nor matter what things happen.
I promise you I won't asked you kind of stupid
question again.

Sorry !
I Love You <3

Kinda look like Roxy's logo xD

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best Friends ?!

I can't understand why you guys need to do this.
Best friend ?
Did you know more information about that guy ?
I can say that I'm not well too but at least we have been
friends for a long time.

See you guys so damn happy,
why don't you all care about other ?
Didn't you all know how other feelings when they
see such thing in the facebook without them inside.

I really don't know want to say what about you all
these "Bitches" whom don't care about other feeling
and make the most "NOOBEST" video I never seen before !

Sorry for saying this to you guys but I really hate those
people whom never feel what others feelings.

So,if you do this like me.
I will do it back to you !
Don't say I'm jealous or what.
Because I really hate it !

Think Twice Before You Do Something !
And Please Care What Other Feeling Before You
Do Such Idiot Things Too !


Saturday, September 17, 2011


 :: 朋友都劝我不要不要

:: 我太笨

:: 可能 在爱里面这样算笨
   可能 永远没有所谓永恒
   但是我 不愿放弃这里面一点点可能




虽然我们彼此都拥有过 这段爱情。






Friday, September 16, 2011

You Hurted Me.. But I love You =')

You !
I really really damn hate YOU !
Say sorry to me ?
Why you need to say that !

You know I'll will angry but then why you still
want to sit so close to a girl that I hate.

Do you know you're making me hurt ?
Do you know how I feel when I saw you sit
with a girl so damn close ?
Do you know I cried twice because of you ?

Twice... Twice !

Just because of You !
Just because i don't want lost you !

You're my first guy...
You're my first love...

I really don't want lost you, just because
I Love You...

So... Please.
Please don't do it again.
Please care for my feeling before you do
something that I don't like.
Okay ?

I'm so scare losing you again.
I'm so scare my life without you again.

Can you promise me don't do it again ?
Just... Please promise me =')
I just want you to be my side and be my guys
until you move to another place.

Can you ?

I Hate You...
but I Love You more...

And I'm Sorry =')

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The End Between Us.....='(

-02 September 2011-




过得很开心 =)

但心里,不开心 ~.~


-04 September 2011-




为了你....哭 =')

----------The End----------

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thanks For You ! Jocelyn =)

CanMake's Eye Shadow-Brown Color
Like it so much ! =D
Majolica Majorca's Eye Liner-Black Color
I also like this !
But.. Kinda hard to use it because it's
too fashion >.<"


Thanks for helping me buy these things
from KK!
But.. The price kinda expensive for me but
it is cheaper than Tawau !


----------The End----------