Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finally !

Finally I downloaded the program "Keniu" !!
Satisfied now =D

Upload my pitcha ! =)


My mom accompany me to Eastern Plaza
to buy shoe for me because my shoe "patah"
already -.-"

We went to the Converse's shop to buy but
the shop like out-of-stock and the things buy
on free one. There are no shoe that I want.
All are "cheap cheap" de xD

Then when I saw the opposite shop from
Converse, I saw a my favorite things
--> Baggy !

Then I walked in,
I kept looking at the bag and the price.
I was shock by the price because it is
so cheap then other shop !

So mom said:" You wanna buy ? "
Wow !
I was shock again when my mom ask me this question !
Of cause I'll say YES !
So my mom bought it to me but need to share the
bag with her.

Here's the bag that I bought =)

Red in color. I Like It !

On that night,
I found some old picture at my album book.

 Haha ! This is my baby's pitcha >.<
My kindergarten's pitcha.
Not very clear. Sorry >.<"