Saturday, September 24, 2011

What On Earth..... -.-"

My lovely dad just bring the laptop to "wash out" all the things
in the laptop.
And, all my things in the laptop
such as: my old picture, friends picture, video of competition,
songs and all my program I had download.

So now, I need a lot of time to download it back into the laptop.
Such a "Big" job to me =)

Now, I can't recently upload my daily picture to blog because
I lose my "Keniu" program. =(
Without that program, I can't do anything to my picture.
Haiz... What a day.


I have done the most stupid thing in the couple world.
I asked him:" You still got find your ex-girlfriend ? "
What's going on I asked this stupid question !?
Haiz... After he ask which his ex I say,
he didn't reply my messages anymore.

Until Yesterday,
we finally text each other.
He didn't reply me messages because he was angry
about I asked that stupid question.
Thanks God that he said he didn't angry me anymore.

Happy 1 month to US ! =)
Sorry for the misunderstanding and is my fault I
don't trust you.

As a couple,
must belive each other nor matter what things happen.
I promise you I won't asked you kind of stupid
question again.

Sorry !
I Love You <3

Kinda look like Roxy's logo xD