Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best Friends ?!

I can't understand why you guys need to do this.
Best friend ?
Did you know more information about that guy ?
I can say that I'm not well too but at least we have been
friends for a long time.

See you guys so damn happy,
why don't you all care about other ?
Didn't you all know how other feelings when they
see such thing in the facebook without them inside.

I really don't know want to say what about you all
these "Bitches" whom don't care about other feeling
and make the most "NOOBEST" video I never seen before !

Sorry for saying this to you guys but I really hate those
people whom never feel what others feelings.

So,if you do this like me.
I will do it back to you !
Don't say I'm jealous or what.
Because I really hate it !

Think Twice Before You Do Something !
And Please Care What Other Feeling Before You
Do Such Idiot Things Too !


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