Saturday, November 5, 2011

 Last Thursday,
Calvary Church invited " Markers " from

This band was very famous at Korea and of cause
at others country too.

They sing very very damn well !
But no handsome guys inside the band that day.
So sad ='(

I had bought their CD in English Version.
I hear it every night when I went to sleep.
It causes me sleep very well and no need to be
afraid because I afraid of darkness >.<

Their first English Version CD and first sell it at Tawau.
" At The Place Where You Call "


Yesterday 4th November,
I went to Eastern Plaza again with my Darling
Jocelyn ! <3

Just both of us but very fun and first time I spent
a lot of money $$ !!

Outfit that day =)

Bought this " Dress " at Coltage.
My mom was shock when I said how much is it.
Hahaha >.< But I like it very much !
Dotty <3
Mini Lomo Camera at the shop that I like but
I don't know what is it >.<
 Got flash de wor ! Very cute.

 Bought this necklace at " Pink Lover "
Pearl Ribbon <3
And also this hair clips. Very cheap =D


Yesterday are also BSI's Awards Night.
All the performance were very awesome.
And a lot of friends go there too.
Awards Night outfit.
New dress and new necklace =D


Tomorrow after service,
I will go to Sandakan !

Long time didn't go back to my hometown.
Miss my grandmas, my aunts, my uncles and
all my cousins.

Weehee <3

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tatasss Octorber ~~~

I'm going to say 
: " Good-Bye October, Hello November ! "

Left 1 more day October will finish.
Finally finish !
Because October is SUCKS !

First is PMR,
Second is taking Report Card,
Third is My Worst Birthday !

I'm happy that I had pass my 15's Birthday
but it was sucks.


By the way,
I also happy that I finally knew how to
CS !!

This game was so damn FUN !
I bet you to try to play it if you dare.
It is a good experience for you to play.

But this game make you feel dizzy
because the mouse keep moving
and you mind must be clear to kill your enemies.

My next target is to play Dota !
But my friends said there got a bit hard to play.

I hope I still got times to play
because I left 2 weeks here ='(


Next Friday is BSI Award's Night.
Thank God that I can go =D
But I didn't hear any interesting performance.

But for SPAA Award's Night,
I can't go man !!
So sad ='(
I leaving on 16th or 17th of November
but SPAA Award's Night is on 18th of November.

Just pray that they have the good performance
on that night =D

Saturday, October 15, 2011

You... ='(

I wish..time is slowing down..
I wish..nothing happen on me..
I wish..everything will be fine..
I wish..I can forgot all the sad things..
I wish..I can still remember here..
I wish..I still be your side..

But time... Flowing very very fast.
Can't let me breath freely.

It have been 10 days our relationship broke.
And I still remember the things that we have.

Every time when I passed the place that we went,
my mind won't stop thinking about you.

Every time I looking to my phone,
my heart said :" Why today I don't have
receive any messages ? "

Every time when I saw some couple in front of me,
I just realize, besides me is empty.

My mind have no reason why I need
think about you.
My mind have no reason why I still
need to remember the messages that you
have sent to me.

When you get close to a girl,
I have no reason to scold you.
Because I'm not yours.

When you talking rude words,
I have no reason to scold you.
Because I'm not yours.

When you have done wrong,
I have no reason to scold you.
Because I'm not yours.

When you didn't reply my messages,
I have no reason to ask you why.
Because I'm not yours.

When you didn't come to church,
I have no reason to you
:" Are you sick ? "
Because I'm not yous.


Thank you !
For being my boyfriend.
Thank you !
For let my see through what
kind of guy you're.

Thank You ! =D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun Day !

Today might be my last day at school.
I'm not going to school ( maybe )
because I need to continue pack my things.

I go school today for giving back the
school books to school.
Do you know our school are having exam ?
The whole school !
Quite silent today but the most noisy are
Form 3.
Finally all the Form 3 finished PMR !
Woohoo !
No more stress anymore.
But I just scare the coming result only ='(

After giving back the school books,
me and my friends have a lot s lot of
fun in the class !
First we played Joker and keep take photos.

Later we realize that, a gang of Malay
students are watching " Ghost Movie ".
Then all of us go and joined them watching.
Quite scary because the ghost is very ugly
and she suddenlycame out and scared us !
The boys also keep scaring us. -.-"

Finished watching " Ghost Movie ",
we still none stop taking photos.
We also have take out old photos.
Damn ugly ! >.<"

My previous blog will upload the photos.
( Because I'm not using the laptop,
I'm using computer )

Watch out my previous blog ! Woohoo =D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

9th October 2011

I went to shopping with Amanda Li =D
Long time already we didn't out together.

After service,
we had our lunch at "Indo Cafe".
Later we start our journey to S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G ~!!

We went to "Dear", "Kimberly" and other 2 place
I don't realize what their name >.<
And our tea-break at "Secret Recipe".
So rich huh !
But we just drink Ice Lemon Tea, mushroom soup
and eat fries fried only. xD

 I have tried all the shirt with Polka-Dots.
Do you see the Polka-Dots at the ribbon ? >.<

 Can't see clearly with the Polka-Dots @.@

 The Dots are at the back there.
Didn't take it =D

I bought all these at that day. 
The big beg just cost RM 20 only. 
( I think it is from magazine~)
The dots that one cost RM 7 only !!
Lastly, the Vivi cost RM 10 =)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hey guys !
Bad news for you all ( Maybe good news for some hate me =D )

I'm Leaving Tawau SOON ! ='(
Hahaha ! Can't believe right ?

I also can't believe I'm moving.
I'll move to a place called Beaufort.
It is hour away to K.K.
I never went there before since I'm 14 & left 16 days is my birthday >.<

I don't know what was it like.
Is it a big town ?
Did there got big shopping mall like Eastern Plaza ?
Did there got Guardian or Watson ?
Or even Millimewa ?

I'm scare to move there because I want to face
a new place,
a new environment,
a new home,
a new school,
and new friends.

I don't want to know those things !
I want to stay !
I don't even want to leave TAWAU !

I have to.
Because is God arranged for my dad.
My dad is a Rector.
Bishop wanted my dad to go there because he thinks that
my dad got a power to take good care of the church.

At the middle of November maybe 19th or 20th,
my family and I will leave here.
I just have 1 month at here to gather with my friends.

The time passed very fast.
I have to say goodbye to my school
and to my dearest friends.

I have a lot of memories at here.
I will never ever forget !

Just maybe I will come back soon.
See how God arrange it =D

Take it today =)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

5th October 2011...

 : " 分手 "。


我本来就应该放弃你 !

" 朋友都叫我不要不要,
 不要拿自己的幸福开玩笑 "


也不会是个好情人 !

我真的醒了 !

: " Can we still be friend ?
Because you're leaving and I'm leaving too.
We can be close friend. You can tell me anything
and I will also tell you anything. Ok ? "

Do you think I'm gonna say " Okay " ?!
I hate the guys like you !
I hate the guys who just used me !
I hate you !

I won't be friend with a JERK !
You're so cheap than a beggar !
You're nothing in my life now !
You're such a JERK !

I'm Idiot,
I'm Stupid,
But You're LIER !

Saturday, October 1, 2011

29th September 2011

I made it last night. Pasta~ I made it for my dinner
because I hate to eat rice now. Quite easy to make it =D


Ss-ing Today ! =3

I found that my make-up skill is better now <3
I will buy more make-up when I go to KK because that
more cheaper than Tawau xD

 Many people said this kind of pose look like 
:" Oh My Goodness. I go tooth pain." xD

 I like this. <3 
I got my big round eyes =)


Finally got 1 pitcha is S-M-I-L-E  =D

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture Updated~!

Just change some new pitcha on my blog and
change all the font. =)

Actually I want to change my background too.
But too hard for me to find the background
that I like @.@

PMR left 6 days for me.
Now starting scare -.-"
Try to read more more H-A-R-D-E-R !

By the way,
upload some daily pitcha first =D

Bought it last week.
I Like This.
Purple Colour =)

My mom said bought another
pair because she scare the shoes 
out of stock again xD


I Like Like Like This Polka-Dots Shirt !!
I tried it at "Kimberly". Nice right ?
But I can't buy it without my mom.
Because she is my "Bank" xD

Sweet smile for me =D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Coming !

PMR exam is on the corner now !
Still got 1 week to go.
But, I haven't touch me book yet and even
want to touch the book.

My friends call me to study.
He said :" If you don't know, that's why you
need to study hard. "
But for my this "Last-minute-then-read-book" girl,
H-A-T-E   R-E-A-D-I-N-G !

Still got 1 week !
I really want to add more more oil
for my study.
Wish me Good Luck ! =D

Sunday, September 25, 2011


This movie introduced by my friend --> Chien.
I saw this movie trailer at her blog.
When I click it and see the mv, I was touch by
the actress & actor whom act inside the movie.

So romantic =')
Hear it if you like.
Hope I can watch it. =D

Finally !

Finally I downloaded the program "Keniu" !!
Satisfied now =D

Upload my pitcha ! =)


My mom accompany me to Eastern Plaza
to buy shoe for me because my shoe "patah"
already -.-"

We went to the Converse's shop to buy but
the shop like out-of-stock and the things buy
on free one. There are no shoe that I want.
All are "cheap cheap" de xD

Then when I saw the opposite shop from
Converse, I saw a my favorite things
--> Baggy !

Then I walked in,
I kept looking at the bag and the price.
I was shock by the price because it is
so cheap then other shop !

So mom said:" You wanna buy ? "
Wow !
I was shock again when my mom ask me this question !
Of cause I'll say YES !
So my mom bought it to me but need to share the
bag with her.

Here's the bag that I bought =)

Red in color. I Like It !

On that night,
I found some old picture at my album book.

 Haha ! This is my baby's pitcha >.<
My kindergarten's pitcha.
Not very clear. Sorry >.<"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What On Earth..... -.-"

My lovely dad just bring the laptop to "wash out" all the things
in the laptop.
And, all my things in the laptop
such as: my old picture, friends picture, video of competition,
songs and all my program I had download.

So now, I need a lot of time to download it back into the laptop.
Such a "Big" job to me =)

Now, I can't recently upload my daily picture to blog because
I lose my "Keniu" program. =(
Without that program, I can't do anything to my picture.
Haiz... What a day.


I have done the most stupid thing in the couple world.
I asked him:" You still got find your ex-girlfriend ? "
What's going on I asked this stupid question !?
Haiz... After he ask which his ex I say,
he didn't reply my messages anymore.

Until Yesterday,
we finally text each other.
He didn't reply me messages because he was angry
about I asked that stupid question.
Thanks God that he said he didn't angry me anymore.

Happy 1 month to US ! =)
Sorry for the misunderstanding and is my fault I
don't trust you.

As a couple,
must belive each other nor matter what things happen.
I promise you I won't asked you kind of stupid
question again.

Sorry !
I Love You <3

Kinda look like Roxy's logo xD

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best Friends ?!

I can't understand why you guys need to do this.
Best friend ?
Did you know more information about that guy ?
I can say that I'm not well too but at least we have been
friends for a long time.

See you guys so damn happy,
why don't you all care about other ?
Didn't you all know how other feelings when they
see such thing in the facebook without them inside.

I really don't know want to say what about you all
these "Bitches" whom don't care about other feeling
and make the most "NOOBEST" video I never seen before !

Sorry for saying this to you guys but I really hate those
people whom never feel what others feelings.

So,if you do this like me.
I will do it back to you !
Don't say I'm jealous or what.
Because I really hate it !

Think Twice Before You Do Something !
And Please Care What Other Feeling Before You
Do Such Idiot Things Too !


Saturday, September 17, 2011


 :: 朋友都劝我不要不要

:: 我太笨

:: 可能 在爱里面这样算笨
   可能 永远没有所谓永恒
   但是我 不愿放弃这里面一点点可能




虽然我们彼此都拥有过 这段爱情。






Friday, September 16, 2011

You Hurted Me.. But I love You =')

You !
I really really damn hate YOU !
Say sorry to me ?
Why you need to say that !

You know I'll will angry but then why you still
want to sit so close to a girl that I hate.

Do you know you're making me hurt ?
Do you know how I feel when I saw you sit
with a girl so damn close ?
Do you know I cried twice because of you ?

Twice... Twice !

Just because of You !
Just because i don't want lost you !

You're my first guy...
You're my first love...

I really don't want lost you, just because
I Love You...

So... Please.
Please don't do it again.
Please care for my feeling before you do
something that I don't like.
Okay ?

I'm so scare losing you again.
I'm so scare my life without you again.

Can you promise me don't do it again ?
Just... Please promise me =')
I just want you to be my side and be my guys
until you move to another place.

Can you ?

I Hate You...
but I Love You more...

And I'm Sorry =')

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The End Between Us.....='(

-02 September 2011-




过得很开心 =)

但心里,不开心 ~.~


-04 September 2011-




为了你....哭 =')

----------The End----------

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thanks For You ! Jocelyn =)

CanMake's Eye Shadow-Brown Color
Like it so much ! =D
Majolica Majorca's Eye Liner-Black Color
I also like this !
But.. Kinda hard to use it because it's
too fashion >.<"


Thanks for helping me buy these things
from KK!
But.. The price kinda expensive for me but
it is cheaper than Tawau !


----------The End----------

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Outing To Eastern Plaza ! =)

~26 August 2011~
Today is a special day for her --> Jocelyn Lau !
And a special day for me too because
finally I can go Eastern Plaza shopping !!
Woohoo ~

Such a long time I didn't go there. About
2-3 months !
Tak boleh tahan >.<"

Besides, we also celebrated our school
finally finished Excel exam & Trial exam
and holidays for students !
But, just 1 week only. =(

Sad to "Someone" because still need going
to school for extra class ;(

By the way, when we arrived Eastern,
both of us just like a crazy girl buying things
by never see the price.
But, its okay for a girl who likes fashion >.<"

I bought 4 things that day and 1 thing at
the next day and used RM 80 ringgit for
just five things only -.-"


These are the things I bought =)

A Green Purse for putting my coins.

Bracelet from "Pink Lover"
 Heart's Gold Necklace from "Pink Lover"

 Masks from "DollyWink"

This I-Phone case, I help her--> Jocelyn to buy.
She says this phone case so cute =D


I hope I got another chance to go there again.
Waiting =)

----------The End----------

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Like Her !

She... Is the closest friend to me.
She... Is the most good friend to me.
She... Just like my real sister.
She... Jocelyn Lau Yee Jiun, friend of
Gloria Leong Heng Soong.

I like her very much !
(Is brother and sister in Christ la ;D )


Today, I went to her house doing
some revision.
But actually, we just stay in room
playing take photos ! xD

We had a lots of fun in room.
But today kind of less.;(

This is the photos we take =D

 We <3 !


Jocelyn's cute doggie- Rocky !


Funny us ! xD

 I like this picture !


 Taken By Me ! ;)


Taken By My Darling Jocelyn ! ;)


Take More & More Picture Next Time ! <3

----------The End---------

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Try To Do The Best ! =)

The year 2011,
I try to do my best to my friends and

too many things happen in this year.
Until I can't breath.
Is too rush for me.

February,May,June & July,
I had problem with my friends.

Last week,
I had my Exam excel II.
Next Friday,
I will have my Trial Exam.
And then October,
I will have my PMR Exam.

I very hate study in my life.
I think many of that agree with me >.<

Because it is too hard to memorize all
the notes and the formula.

In this excel,
I just feel that I'm starting scare.

If this time I didn't work hard,
how is my PMR exam ?

Many of them say PMR very easy.
You say easy because you are a genius. -.-"

I will try my best to study hard ! ^^


I had try all my best to don't let
it more serious.
But I don't know why I can't.

When all the things are settled,
another things come again.

The first time I cried,
is about my friendship.

I just don't understand why they treat
my like that.
They said my betrayed them.

How I betrayed you guys ?

Is that I had forgive a friend that you
hate then that's mean I betray you guys ?

God love all the children in the world.
And He love the children who forgive others.

I love God.
That's why I follow God's word.

When I step in my room,
I started cry.

But this time I cry,
because I'm happy.
I got JOY in my heart.

I tell God that I really thank you
because you let me realize that the friends
beside me,
some of them good and some of them bad.

And I found that when you had forgive
you will feel very joyful
and found that good things are coming
on you.


From now on,
try to be more happy.

No matter somebody talking bad words
behind you,
No matter who is your truly friends are,
And no matter who care you.

Just remember that Be Happy Always.

If you always think this way,
you will be more beautiful or handsome.

Be Happy My Friends =')

Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day Of Excel =)

Today 08 August 2011 is the 1st day of

But not the first time excel,is the second

Quite scare today ~.~

Because today exam Malay paper 1 &2
and History.
 Malay Paper 1 quite a bit difficult.
Paper 2 I need to say sorry ='(
Because I didn't see clearly the question
than pass up.

I really want to say "OMET !"

I'm such a stupid "Genius" -.-

After that,
is time to exam my worst subject
: History !

I didn't even see clearly the question than
I just open my gun to shot.

I just hate History very very much !

Sure I fail on this subject.

Today just a simple exam only.
But until PMR that day is not just a
simple exam.

God,Please Help Me !

<-Skip then->

Tomorrow will exam English
Paper 1& 2 and also Chinese Paper 2.

Hope I can write it carefully and
see the question clearly !

God Bless =D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Exam Man !

Woohoo !
Time to updated !

Next Monday,
is a big day for me.

Exam Excel !

Until now, I haven't touch my book yet.
How pity was me T.T

But I try to put oil.
But...Just I too lazy for reading the book
even I lazy to touch the book.

I'll try more harder for preparing.
2 months for me to prepare.

Just hope that I won't fail any subject
to make my parents disappointed. =)

Try Your Best Gloria Leong !
2 More Months To Go !
Go ->-> Go->-> Go !!!

----------The End----------

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm Back To Tawau !!! Woohoo =)

Yoyoyo !
My friends.
I'm back to Tawau !

Hahaha !

Such a great time having a trip & camp
at Kota Kinabalu (K.K).


When we arrived at K.K,
we check-in to "Cititel Express Hotel".

After that,
we walk along to "Center Point"
for having lunch & shopping.


Tada ! This is my lunch !
McDonald's Double CheeseBurger.
So Yummy (n.n)


I bought this shoes.
All-Star Converse !!!
I falling in love with this shoes !!! xD


At night,
we go church for service.

After service,
YuanJing, YuanTing & Kitty
went to our room for stay one night.

We had a lot of fun & make a lot of
Thank God no one came to
knock our roome. xD


SS at the toilet >.<"
I quite like the mirror =D


The next day morning,
we had our lunch-break at

After that,
we went to "Center Point" again.

At there,
I bought 3 things.


1st is,

Adidas Bottle in Purple !!!
Damn Like It >.^


2nd is Giordano T-shirt.
I didn't take picture because
I washed it >.<

we went to "Warisan" too.

I had bought another Adidas
bottle to my brother too.

We had ate Oreo Ice-cream at

Woohoo !
So damn yummy (n.n)

But I forget to take picture. T.T


At night,
we got a friend accompany us
to dinner.

After that we went to drink
Yoyo !


Woohoo !!!
I like drink this !
Especially add the "小珍"
Mean small pearl.
Tawau didn't have -.-"


6th June Monday,
Is the time to camping.


Take picture at the TV >.<


Last picture. Need to go T.T


My last day breakfast.
McDonald =D


Woo !!!
Need update another blog lur.

All about "Camp" !!!


----------The End----------